ENGLISH (6th - 8th April)

Hello everybody again! 👋

Last week, we proposed you to solve a crossword about the vocabulary of Unit 5. So now ... it's time to check your answers:


To end up with Unit 5: "Amazing animals", we are going to do some listening and reading activities through Google Classroom.

First of all, you will find two LISTENING activities in your Google Classroom.
We recommend you to listen each audio, at least, two times.
Then, answer the Google Forms with the activities that you will find in the homework. 

You will also find two READING activities in your Google Classroom.
We recommend you to read the questions carefully and answer the Google Forms.

👀 IMPORTANT: We just want you to remember that even though you have finished the task in
Google Forms, you have to go back on your Google Classroom and click on
"Marcar como tarea entregada". 


On that day, we will post another entry with your homework for these Easter's holiday.

🙋If you have any questions... just message us💬.

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